You’re probably planning on using QR Codes for one of your upcoming campaigns. It could be promotional or operational in nature.

Hence, you’re looking for suitable QR Code service providers. But here’s the thing—you want printable QR Codes. That means you’re looking for a printable QR Code generator that helps you export the files in a print-friendly format.

And you’re right. Not all common formats work well for print resolutions. The most commonly used image formats such as PNG and JPG are suitable for digital displays but are prone to getting pixelated in print.

So the question is—how do you find the right printable QR Code generator? In this article, we’ll discuss all the qualities that you must look for in your QR Code service provider. In addition, we’ll also see the best players online and a step-by-step guide to creating print-ready QR Codes.

A. What is a printable QR Code generator

A printable QR Code generator is a tool or software application that allows users to create QR Codes that can be printed onto various physical media such as posters, business cards, flyers, labels, and more. 

These QRs can contain various types of information such as website URLs, contact information, text messages, Wi-Fi network details, and more.

Users typically input the desired information into the generator, and the tool then generates a unique QR that represents that information. 

The generated QR can then be downloaded or printed directly from the generator. Users can customize aspects of the QR such as size, color, and design to suit their needs or branding preferences.

B. How do I print a QR Code

Printing a QR is a straightforward process. Here’s a basic step-by-step guide:

1. Generate the QR Code

Use Scanova’s QR Code generator to create the QR containing the information you want to encode. You can find various free and paid options online.

2. Customize (if desired)

You have options to customize the appearance of the QR, such as changing its color, adding a logo, adjusting the size, etc.

3. Download or save the QR

Once you’re satisfied with the QR’s appearance and content, download or save it to your computer. Make sure to choose a file format that is compatible with your printer (e.g., PNG, JPG).

4. Open the file

Locate the downloaded/saved QR file on your computer and open it using an image viewer or editing software.

5. Print the QR

With the file open, select the print option from the menu. Ensure that your printer is connected and loaded with the appropriate paper size and type.

6. Adjust print settings (if needed)

Before printing, you may need to adjust settings such as paper size, orientation, quality, and color depending on your printer and preferences.

7. Print

Once you’ve adjusted the settings, initiate the printing process. Wait for the printer to finish printing the QR.

8. Test the printed QR Code

After printing, double-check the QR to ensure that it’s clear, readable, and functions as intended. You can use a QR scanner app on your smartphone or tablet to test it.

9. Distribute or use the printed QR Code

Once you’ve confirmed that the QR prints correctly, you can use it on various physical materials such as posters, flyers, business cards, product packaging, etc., depending on your intended purpose.

C. Things to do before printing QR Code

Before printing a QR, it’s important to ensure that everything is set up correctly to produce a clear, scannable code. 

Here are some things to do before printing a QR:

1. Choose the right QR Code generator

Select a reliable QR generator tool or software that allows customization and generates high-quality QRs. Ensure that the generator supports the type of data you want to encode.

2. Decide on the content

Determine what information you want to encode in the QR, such as a website URL, contact details, text message, Wi-Fi network information, or other types of data.

3. Check the data length

Make sure that the data you want to encode is within the limitations of the QR’s capacity. QRs have a maximum capacity based on their size and error correction level.

4. Customize the QR

Scanova offers customization options such as adding a logo or changing the colors. Decide if you want to customize the QR to match your branding or design preferences.

5. Choose the appropriate size

Consider the intended use and visibility of the QR when selecting its size. Larger QRs are easier to scan from a distance, while smaller ones may be suitable for business cards or labels.

6. Select the file format

Choose a file format for the QR that is compatible with your printer and design software. Common formats include PNG, JPG, SVG, and PDF.

7. Verify readability

Before printing, use a QR scanner app on your smartphone or computer to verify that the generated QR is readable and correctly encodes the intended information.

8. Test printing

Print a test version of the QR on a regular sheet of paper to check for any issues with alignment, clarity, or readability. Adjust settings as needed before printing the final version.

9. Choose the printing material

Select the appropriate QR printing material based on its intended use and environment. For example, choose durable materials for outdoor signage and high-quality paper for business cards or brochures.

10. Consider placement

Plan where you will place the printed QR to ensure it is easily accessible and visible to your target audience. Avoid placing it in areas where it may get obscured or damaged.

D. Features to look for in a Printable QR Code Generator

Here are the top three features you must look for in your QR Code generator:

1. Desired QR Code category

The desired QR Code category depends on the content that you’d want your audience to see on scanning the QR Code. For example, if you want them to be redirected to a website, you must create a Website URL QR Code.

On the other hand, if you want them to see a PDF or any other document, a Document QR Code will be your way to go.

There are over 20 QR Code categories that you can choose from. Make sure your service provider offers you the desired content category.

2. High-resolution vector formats

As discussed earlier, it’s important to download the QR Code in high-resolution formats for print purposes. And vector formats suit this purpose the best.

Some of the most popular vector formats are SVG, EPS, and PDF. They do not get pixelated despite any resizing. Hence, they’re highly preferred by designers.

So make sure the best QR Code generator you choose offers these formats. After all, you wouldn’t want to be stuck with a QR Code that looks good but doesn’t function.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

3. Custom design capability

This feature is especially useful if you want to use the QR Codes for promotional or customer-facing use cases.

Customization helps you add colors and logo to your QR Code. There are two design alternatives that you can choose from.

The first is Custom Logo Design. It allows you to add your brand colors to the QR Code and a logo in the centre. This option also allows you to change the pattern or QR Code’s eyes and data modules. Also, you can even change the color of the background. Just ensure that the background color has a high contrast with the QR Code to maintain scannability.

qr code generator with logo

The second is Custom Background Design. It helps you add an image as the QR Code’s background. It also allows you to change the pattern of eyes and data modules. However, this option doesn’t let you change color of the QR Code for scannability purposes.

how to make a custom qr code: custom background

Customized QR Codes act as a point-of-engagement. They not only increase brand recognition among your audience but also attract more scans than their black-and-white counterparts.

4. Availability of dynamic QR Codes

QR Codes are of two types—static and dynamic. The static ones are permanent in nature. Once created, they can’t be edited. And you can not even track them for their scanning activity.

On the other hand, dynamic QR Codes can be edited anytime you want. So, you don’t need to create a new QR Code every time you want to make changes to it. In addition, they allow you to track their scanning activity.

Due to better functionality, dynamic QR Codes are the preferred choice among businesses. Hence, make sure that your QR Code generator offers both static and dynamic QR Codes.

E. How can you create a QR Code in Printable formats?

Now that you know what you should look for in a printable QR Code generator, the next step is to choose one. There are many service providers online and here’s a detailed comparison chart of all of them. You can go through it to pick the right one for yourself.

Using Scanova for a demo, here’s how you can create a printable QR Code:

1. Go to Scanova and pick a suitable category as per your use case

QR Code categories

2. Now, add the content you want to encode in the QR Code and click Continue

3. On the page that loads, you can name the QR Code. Once done, click Create QR Code

4. Now, you’ll see the preview of the QR Code along with other details such as the name, type, and category. On the right, you’ll see the Edit Design button

5. If you click on it, you’ll see two design options—Custom Logo Design and Custom Background Design. You can choose either of the two if you want to design the QR Code

Choose the design

6. Once you’ve finalized everything—content and design or no design—click Done Editing followed by clicking on Download. A window will open, prompting you to sign-up for a 14-day free trial. Once you’ve signed up, proceed to download the QR Code

Note that you’ll not be asked for your card details while signing up.

7. Now, you’ll be prompted to specify the format and size for QR Code image. Since you’re looking for print-ready formats, download the QR Code in any of the vector formats

Image size and format

i. After you add the required details, click Export

That’s it. Your QR Code will be downloaded and ready for use for design and print purposes.

F. Best practices: Printable QR Code generator

When using a printable QR generator, there are several best practices to follow to ensure that your QRs are effective, reliable, and visually appealing:

1. Choose a reputable generator

Select a QR generator with a good reputation like Scanova for producing high-quality codes. It offers customization options, reliable performance, and good customer support.

2. Ensure compatibility

Make sure that the generator supports the type of data you want to encode and allows you to customize the QR’s design to fit your needs.

3. Check for customization options

 Look for generators that offer customization features such as logo embedding, color customization, and error correction level adjustment. Customizing your QR can help it stand out and align with your brand identity.

4. Verify QR Code readability

Before finalizing your design, use a QR scanner app to verify that the generated QR is readable and correctly encodes the intended information.

5. Optimize for size

Consider the intended use and placement of the QR when selecting its size. Larger QRs are easier to scan from a distance, while smaller ones may be suitable for business cards or labels.

6. Choose the right file format:

Select a file format that is compatible with your printer and design software. Common formats include PNG, JPG, SVG, and PDF. Ensure that the resolution is high enough to maintain readability when printed.

7. Test print

Print a test version of the QR on the intended printing material to check for any issues with alignment, clarity, or readability. Make adjustments as needed before printing the final version.

8. Consider printing material

Choose printing materials that are durable and suitable for the QR’s intended use. For example, use weather-resistant materials for outdoor signage and high-quality paper for business cards or brochures.

9. Provide clear instructions

 If the QR is part of a marketing campaign or informational material, provide clear instructions on scanning it and what the user can expect to find.

10. Monitor performance

Track the performance of your printed QRs using analytics tools to measure scans and engagement. Use this data to optimize your QR strategy over time.

G. FAQs: Printable QR Code generator

1. How do I make a printable QR Codes?

To create a printable QR, use Scanova, input your data, customize if necessary, and generate the QR. 

Download or save the QR in a compatible format, open the file, and print it with the appropriate settings. Test the printed QR for clarity and functionality using a scanner app. Finally, distribute or use the printed QR on physical materials as needed.

2. How to print out QR Codes?

Yes, QRs are printable. Printing QRs on various physical materials such as posters, flyers, business cards, product packaging, and labels is a common practice. 

Once generated using Scanova, the QR can be printed using a printer onto paper, cardboard, plastic, or other materials suitable for printing. 

Printed QRs are widely used for marketing, advertising, informational purposes, ticketing, inventory management, and more. They allow users to quickly access digital content or information by scanning the code with a smartphone or other QR-scanning device.

3. What is the smallest printable QR Code?

The smallest practical size for a printable QR can vary but typically ranges around 0.25 inches (6.35 mm) or smaller. However, readability and scanning reliability may decrease with extremely small sizes, especially if the QR contains a lot of data or is printed on low-quality materials. Consider the intended scanning distance and printing conditions when determining the smallest usable size for a QR.

4. Is printed QR Code scannable?

Yes, printed QRs are scannable. QRs are designed to be easily scanned by QR readers, which are commonly available as smartphone apps or built into smartphone cameras. When printed correctly with clear, high-quality printing, QRs can be reliably scanned from various surfaces such as paper, cardboard, plastic, and more. 

However, factors such as size, printing quality, material, and scanning conditions can affect the scanning reliability of printed QRs. 

It’s important to ensure that the QR Code is printed clearly and at an appropriate size for easy scanning. Additionally, using high-quality printing materials and avoiding printing errors or damage to the QR can help improve scanning reliability.

5. What is the best format to print a QR Code?

The best format for printing a QR depends on factors like the printing method and intended use. Commonly used formats include PNG, SVG, EPS, and PDF. 

PNG is widely supported and maintains image quality with lossless compression, while SVG is ideal for scalability without quality loss. 

EPS is favored in professional printing for its compatibility, and PDF is versatile, accommodating vector graphics, images, and text. Consider compatibility, scalability, and printing requirements when selecting the format, and test print to ensure clarity, readability, and overall appearance meet expectations.

Summing up

Make sure you test the QR Code before putting it out on any of your campaigns. That’s all you need to know about the printable QR Code generator. Ready to create your first QR Code?

Always go with a reliable QR Code service provider

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

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