In today’s digitized world, connectivity is the most important factor for growth. Enter scan code generators, the unsung heroes of modern connectivity.

From businesses to personal interactions, the ability to seamlessly link digital content has become integral to efficiency, convenience, and engagement. 

These versatile tools have revolutionized the way we share information, bridging the gap between physical and digital realms with remarkable ease.

In this article, we will learn about what scan code generators are, how they work and why should we use them. Keep reading to learn more.

A. What is a scan code?

Vector image of people scanning QR generated using a Scan code generator

Scan code is a term often used to refer to a QR Code, which stands for Quick Response code. It’s a two-dimensional barcode made up of black and white squares arranged in a grid. 

These scan codes can store various types of information, including:

  • Website URLs: This is the most common use of scan codes. Scanning one might take you directly to a website, product page, or online form.
  • Contact information: Scan a code to add someone’s visiting/business card to your phone’s contacts.
  • Text messages: Some scan codes contain pre-written messages you can send with a single tap. 
  • Social media scan codes: Scan to directly go to their social media profiles and follow someone on their favorite social media platform.
  • Wi-Fi passwords: Use this scan code to connect to a network instantly without manually typing the password.

These are just a few of the most commonly used scan codes. You can generate your own scan codes and there’s so much more you can do with them, we will get into that later. 

Scan codes offer several advantages over traditional barcodes. They can store significantly more information due to their two-dimensional structure, and they can be scanned from any direction, providing greater flexibility in placement and orientation. 

Additionally, scan codes have become ubiquitous in various applications, including marketing, advertising, event management, education, and inventory tracking, owing to their ease of use, versatility, and widespread compatibility with digital devices.

Now that you know what a scan code is, let’s understand what a scan code generator is and how you can create your own scan codes. Keep reading! 

B. What are scan code generators

what is a scan code generator?

Scan code generators, also known as QR (Quick Response) code generators, are software tools that encode data into a two-dimensional barcode matrix. 

This scan code can be scanned and interpreted by smartphones, tablets, or specialized scanning devices equipped with a camera and QR Code reading software.

Initially developed in Japan in the mid-1990s for tracking automotive parts, QR Codes have evolved into a ubiquitous tool for various applications, including marketing, education, inventory management, and more. 

Scan code generators facilitate the creation of these QR Codes, empowering users to encode various types of data, such as URLs, text, contact information, Wi-Fi credentials, and even payment information, into easily scannable codes.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

C. How do scan code generators work

Two people holding a laptop and a phone in front of a QR

Scan code generators typically operate through web-based platforms or standalone applications.

Users input the desired data—whether it’s a website URL, a text message, or a vCard—and the generator processes this information to create a unique QR Code. 

The generated code can then be downloaded, printed, or shared digitally providing seamless sharing of information and files.

Upon scanning the QR Code generated by a scan code generator using a compatible device, the encoded data is extracted.

This data is then presented to the user, usually through a prompt or redirection to a designated action, such as opening a website, displaying a text message, adding a contact, or connecting to a Wi-Fi network.

And not just that, using a scan code generator for generating these QR Codes is very easy. Let’s take a look at how you can create your own scan codes using a scan code generator.

D. How to create a scan code using a scan code generator

Scanova's QR Code categories' screen

To generate a QR Code using a scan code generator, you’ll first require access to an online scan code generator that supports this feature.

And selecting the right scan code generator for your particular use case can be a tough task. Don’t worry! We have got you covered. After comparing a number of available scan code generators online we have curated a guide for you. 

Using Scanova’s QR Code Generator as an example, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a scan code using a scan code generator online:

1. Visit the Scanova scan code generator website.

2. Navigate and select Create QR Code.

3. Depending upon your use case and what information you want to encode, you can select from the available QR Code categories.

4. Enter the desired data into the designated field provided by the scan code generator. 

Note: Depending on the chosen data type, you may need to input a website URL, a text message, contact details, or other relevant information. 

Scanova also offers additional customization options, such as color schemes, logo integration, and more.

5. Once finished, proceed by clicking Continue.

6. You’ll be prompted to name your scan code. Additionally, note that it could be a dynamic QR Code, which allows you to edit its content at any time, or a static one, which in contrast, cannot be modified once created.

7. After specifying the details, click on Create QR Code.

8. Upon reaching the page, you’ll find the QR Code details. Beneath the QR Code image, locate the Edit Design option to customize it.

Scan Code generator design type

There are two design options available:

  • Custom Logo Design: Incorporate a logo and choose from various customization features.
  • Custom Background Design: Merge a semi-transparent QR Code onto a background image.

9. Once the customization is complete, preview the QR Code. If satisfactory, proceed to download it by clicking on Download.

Note: Clicking on the download option will prompt a signup window. You can create an account and initiate a 14-day free trial. Don’t worry, your card details are not required.

After signing up, you can download the scan code by tapping on it. 

Additionally, you can add relevant tags for easy searching and even modify the QR Code, as elaborated in the subsequent section.

10. Upon clicking the download icon, a window will appear allowing you to choose the image format and size. Once selected, click Export to finalize the process.

That concludes the creation and download of your scan code using Scanova’s scan code generator.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

E. Applications of scan code generators

A person checking out settings, and mails and to-do-lists.

The versatility of scan code generators has spurred their adoption across various industries and use cases. Let’s take a look at some of the use cases:

1. Marketing and advertising 

QR Codes have become a staple in marketing campaigns, enabling businesses to provide quick access to product information, promotional offers, and interactive experiences. 

By placing these scan codes on advertisements, posters, or product packaging, marketers can seamlessly bridge the gap between offline and online channels, enhancing customer engagement and driving conversions.

2. Contactless transactions 

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, QR Codes have gained traction as a contactless payment solution. 

Services like mobile wallets and digital payment platforms utilize QR Codes to facilitate secure and convenient transactions, eliminating the need for physical cash or card swiping.

3. Event management 

Scan code generators simplify event management processes by enabling organizers to create QR-coded tickets, badges, or invitations. 

Attendees can swiftly check-in, access event agendas, or participate in interactive sessions by scanning the designated QR Codes.

4. Education and training 

In educational settings, QR Codes serve as valuable tools for delivering supplementary resources, interactive quizzes, or multimedia content. 

Teachers and trainers can embed QR Codes in textbooks, presentations, or learning materials, enriching the learning experience and fostering active engagement among students.

5. Inventory management and asset tracking 

Businesses leverage QR Codes for efficient inventory management and asset tracking. Scan code generators have helped so many industries generate QR Codes and streamline their inventory and asset management systems. 

By affixing QR-coded labels to products, equipment, or inventory items, organizations can streamline inventory processes, monitor stock levels, and track the movement of assets across various locations.

F. Best practices for scan code usage

While scan code generators offer immense potential, maximizing their effectiveness requires adherence to best practices:

Optimize Design: Ensure QR Codes are sufficiently large and clear to facilitate easy scanning. Avoid cluttered backgrounds or distortion that may hinder readability.

Provide Context: Accompany QR Codes with clear instructions or calls to action (CTAs) to inform users about the intended purpose or content. 

For example, include a brief description such as “Scan to visit our website” or “Scan for exclusive discounts.”

Test Compatibility: Test QR Codes across different devices, operating systems, and scanning apps to ensure universal compatibility and seamless user experience.

Regular Maintenance: Periodically review and update QR Code content to reflect any changes in linked resources or information. 

Broken or outdated QR Codes can lead to user frustration and undermine the intended purpose.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

G. FAQs: Scan Code Generator

FAQs: Scan Code Generators

1. What is a scan code generator?

A scan code generator is a software tool that creates QR (Quick Response) codes, which are two-dimensional barcodes that can store various types of data. 

These codes can be scanned by smartphones, tablets, or other devices equipped with a camera and QR Code scanning software.

2. How does a scan code generator work?

A scan code generator allows users to input data, such as a website URL, text message, contact information, or Wi-Fi credentials. 

The generator then processes this data and creates a unique QR Code that encodes the information. 

Users can download or share the QR Code, which others can scan to access the encoded data.

3. What types of data can be encoded with a scan code generator?

Scan code generators can encode various types of data, including website URLs, text messages, contact information (vCards), Wi-Fi network credentials, app store links, payment information (for transactions), and more.

4. What are the benefits of using scan code generators?

Scan code generators offer several benefits, including facilitating quick and easy information sharing, bridging the gap between physical and digital realms, enhancing marketing and advertising efforts, enabling contactless transactions, improving event management processes, and streamlining inventory tracking and asset management.

5. Are scan code generators secure?

Scan codes themselves do not inherently contain security features, but the data encoded within them can be secured depending on the information being encoded. 

For sensitive data, such as payment information or personal details, it’s essential to use secure transmission methods and ensure that the data is encrypted.

In the context of scan code generators, using a trusted generator is always essential. Since Scanova is a product of Trycon which is GDPR compliant and is 27001:2013 certified, you can rely on it.

6. Can scan codes be customized?

Yes, many scan code generators like Scanova offer customization options, allowing users to adjust the size, color, and design of the QR Code. 

Scanova also allows users to add logos or images to the QR Code, providing branding opportunities.

7. Are scan codes compatible with all devices?

Generally, scan codes are compatible with most modern smartphones, tablets, and other devices equipped with a camera and QR Code scanning software. 

However, it’s essential to test QR Codes across different devices and platforms to ensure universal compatibility.

8. Can scan codes generated using scan code generators be reused or modified?

Once generated, a scan code can be typically modified if it’s a dynamic one. Dynamic scan codes can be edited, modified, and even tracked.

However, in the case of static QR Codes, if the encoded data needs to be updated or changed, a new QR Code can be generated with the updated information. Static scan codes cannot be reused to represent different data.


In an increasingly interconnected world, scan code generators offer a simple yet powerful solution for bridging digital and physical realms. 

Whether facilitating marketing initiatives, enabling contactless transactions, or enhancing educational experiences, QR Codes have cemented their status as indispensable tools for modern connectivity. 

By leveraging scan code generators effectively and adhering to best practices, businesses and individuals alike can unlock new opportunities for engagement, efficiency, and innovation in the digital age.

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