QR Codes have come a long way since they were first introduced in 1994. Primarily designed for tracking vehicles, they are today being used in most industries. Let’s first understand what QR Codes are.

To the human eye, a QR Code is a patch of black and white squares. But it is more than that. It’s a two-dimensional barcode or matrix that stores data.

Businesses across the globe have adopted them for promotional and operational use cases.

Want to know what makes them so good? You can use QR Codes to make contactless payments with negligible waiting time!

And it’s expected to be around for the foreseeable future, as evidenced by a 2021 study. About 59% of respondents said that QR Codes will permanently become part of their smartphone usage.

Wouldn’t it be great if businesses learned how to use QR Codes for better customer experience? That’s right, QR Code can help your brand retain customers and drive sales growth through CRM integration.

Wondering how and with which types of CRM software?

The short answer is that QR Codes work with most CRM software Solution—including autoresponder software and sales CRM.

Below are some benefits of developing QR Code for CRM software.

A. Five Benefits of Developing QR Codes for CRM Software

Every business strives to generate leads and turn them into customers. Of course, there are various ways to achieve this through your CRM platform.

But with QR Codes, your marketing strategy becomes much simpler. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits QR Codes can offer when integrated with CRM software.

1. Streamline Marketing Processes

One of the most obvious benefits of developing QR Codes for CRM software is streamlining your marketing processes.

Via Social Media QR Code marketing, for example, you can easily gain followers. Once end-users scan it, they are redirected to a landing page with links to all your social media pages. For example, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

Similarly, if an autoresponder is set to collect customer feedback, you can use a Feedback QR Code to streamline the process.

As customers scan it, they’re taken to the required form to be filled out.

2. Facilitate Instant Payment

Have you ever considered using QR Code for payment solution for your business? If not, you should.

QR Codes have become increasingly popular for facilitating instant payments. In 2020, for instance, amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, businesses prioritized contactless payments to contain the spread. And since then, small and medium businesses have also shifted in the direction of automation, contact-free payment solutions, and resource saving, and have started to implement payroll software for small business needs.

According to a study by Visa, this payment method surged in the US by 150% since March 2019. There was also an increased use of QR Codes for other use cases.

If it’s any indication, the QR Code technology is expanding and is here to stay. But what does this mean? It means you now have a chance to integrate QR Codes with your CRM for a payment system faster than POS or cash.

It’ll allow a customer to securely scan a code, make a payment, and have it processed in seconds. Offer this, and you’ll attract more customers who fancy convenient and secure payment options while keeping the existing ones.

And the best part?

If you’re operating, say, a fuel station where a large QR Code might be needed, you could leverage a 3D printing service. This way, your customers would be able to scan the QR Code while sitting in their vehicles.

3. Improve SEO and increase traffic

Every business has a unique marketing strategy. But content marketing and SEO are an integral part of most strategies.

And QR Codes can help you with SEO?

QR Codes carry a lot of data and can be used to attract traffic to your website with a simple scan. That means a lot of direct traffic and better SEO for your website.

In addition, with the right CRM and contact management tool, you can use Google Maps QR Codes to help customers locate your business.

4. Track the Scans

Measuring the performance of your marketing campaigns is easy with a CRM. Its analytics can help you monitor tons of customer data to analyze campaign performance.

You can make the process easier by generating QR Codes.
QR Codes are trackable, and this is not just useful for optimizing your campaign. You can use it to understand your customers. When a customer scans a QR, you can monitor their activity.

The details you can scan include:

  • The number of people who’ve scanned the code
  • Their GPS location
  • Time and date
  • The device they used

If you have many strategic QR Codes, you can tell which codes perform well over time. You could, for instance, print a QR Code having a product video for users to watch.

Don’t know how to get started with QR Code tracking? Try this feature called QR Code event tracking. But remember, if you want to track these codes, go with the dynamic QR Codes. Static QR Codes can’t be tracked.

5. Implement with Low Cost

Apart from the above advantages, developing QR Codes for CRM software can be done affordably.

If you are unfamiliar with the nitty-gritty details of integrating it into CRM, look for a professional.

On the other hand, you could get started with an best QR Code generator. The best part is that you can implement this quite affordably and almost instantaneously.

B. Ready to Start Developing QR Codes for CRM Software?

The benefits of developing QR Codes for CRM software are many. It is helpful in demand generation for your product and services with quick access and buy with help of this integration. From automating processes and generating leads to optimizing sales tasks, there’s a lot you can do.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

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