Say you run or own a business and you want to learn how well your services or products are doing.

To get the required insights, you’ll have to obtain your customer’s feedback. And generally, there are two ways to go about it:

First, you distribute paper-based feedback forms to your customers. And ask them to fill the form on the spot.

With this method, you have to face a couple of challenges. First, it involves the consumption of a lot of paper. And as an environment-friendly citizen, you wouldn’t want that.

Second, gathering data on papers means you need to put a lot of effort into generating reports and insights and even keeping the data saved for future references.

So the other alternative is—creating a digital form and getting your audience to fill it. And to do that, you can add the link to the form on your invoices, marketing creatives, etc.

But the question is—will people really put the elaborate effort to take out their phone, unlock it, open the browser, type the entire link, fill the form, and then submit their response?

To be honest, most of them won’t. Why? Because this process requires both time and effort. And while some may do it, many will simply skip it.

But don’t worry. To make this process easier and efficient, QR Codes are now being used to gather customer feedback.

For the uninitiated, QR Codes are 2D barcodes that can store a lot of information and are easily scannable with a smartphone.

Keep reading to know more about Feedback QR Codes.

A. Feedback QR Codes—all you need to know

Do you know a lot of marketers use QR Codes to direct people from offline media to online content? And a feedback QR code helps facilitate the same.

Feedback QR Code, when scanned, redirects your customers to the required form online. Here they can simply give their feedback about your services and hit the submit button. That means all that they need to do is—scan and leave a review. Quite simple, right?

And once the customers submit the feedback, you’ll be able to analyze this data with your form service provider.

In addition, you’ll also be able to track the scanning activity of the QR Code (only if you choose to create a dynamic QR Code). That means you’ll be able to see how many people have scanned the QR code, the time and location of the scans, their exact GPS location, device type, browser, etc.

Now, you know how QR Codes can help your customers easily fill the feedback form. Let’s see some popular use cases where a QR Code can help gather customer feedback.

B. Popular use cases of the feedback QR Code

1. Restaurants

It is pretty common in restaurants to obtain feedback from your customers. It tells them about their areas of strength and areas where they need to improve.

But getting customers to fill a feedback form isn’t an easy task.

Don’t worry. Feedback QR Code has got you covered. Just place it on your menus, bills, or in-store premises. And customers can scan it to give their feedback.

2. Hotels

You know how important it is for you to offer the best services to your guests. And it is as important to get their feedback to know if they liked it or not. This is where a Feedback QR Code can help you. Place it at the reception desk, in the rooms, or at the entrance point and collect your guests’ responses easily.

3. Airports

Similarly, QR Codes can be used in airports to collect passengers’ feedback. You can place them in halls, washrooms, or anywhere inside the airport premises. This way, you will get a better understanding of your services.

4. Product packaging

It is a common practice to provide complete product information via packaging. And did you know that you can also obtain feedback via product packaging?

Simply place a Feedback QR Code on the product packaging with an appropriate instruction (also called CTA). For example, Scan here to leave feedback.

On scanning, customers will be able to submit their feedback immediately. It’s easy, right? After all, the easier the process, the better are the conversions.

4. Events

Say you are organizing an event and have invited guests to it. It could be an online meeting, seminar, or food festival. And you want to know whether your guests enjoyed the whole event experience or not.

Well, here again, Feedback QR Code has got you covered.

C. Benefits of a feedback QR Code

1. Digital process

Feedback QR Code offers a completely digital process. Hence, it eliminates the consumption of paper.

Moreover, unlike the paper feedback form, it helps you easily generate digital reports and insights. You can use this data easily to draw valuable insights and keep it saved for future references.

2. Better business processes

Feedback QR Code helps you easily collect feedback from your customers no less efficiently than when using a web scraping API. This feedback can be used to reflect on how your services are doing and what new strategies you need to work on.

Hence, you can make required adjustments and offer your customers a better product or service.

Once you take action on the collected feedback, make sure you communicate it to your customers. You can do it by sending emails, social media posts, or even by putting posters inside your store.

Doing this will help them know that their voice didn’t go unheard and you actually care for them!

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

3. Measure Customer satisfaction 

Say you have collected feedback for your services and even made some changes to your processes. You’d then want to see if the changes have had a positive impact or not. To do that, you can regularly use Feedback QR Codes regularly in your marketing campaigns.

This way, you will know if your customers like the improved services or not.

D. How to create a Feedback QR Code

There are two possible ways through which you can create a Feedback QR Code. These are:

1. Using an online form tool and a QR Code generator

The first thing is to create an online form. To do this, you’ll have to use an online tool.

You can use Visme form, Google Forms and Zoho Survey, which are free online form providers. In case you want advanced features, you can use paid services such as SurveyMonkey and Zonka Feedback. To explore more options you can have a look at some Zoho alternatives.

In order to know more about how to create a Google Form, you can refer to this detailed guide.

Once you create the online form, you’ll get a unique URL (survey link). Now, copy this link and go to a professional online QR Code Generator such as Scanova.

Using Scanova QR Code Generator for demo purposes, you just need to follow some simple steps.

a. How to create a QR Code

1. Go to Scanova QR Code Generator

2. Select the Website URL QR Code category

QR Code categories

3. Enter the link you want to encode and click Continue

4. Here, name the QR Code and click Create QR Code

5. On the page that loads, you’ll see the preview of the QR Code along with the Edit Design option

6. If you click on the Edit Design option, you’ll see two QR Code designs— Custom Logo Design and Custom Background Design

Choose the design
Custom Logo Design: It allows you to add a logo and color to the QR Code.

Custom Background Design: It allows you to place a QR Code on an image.

Note that a customized QR Code attracts more scans than a black-and-white one. Hence, to attract maximum scans, design your QR Code.

7. Once your QR Code is ready, click on Done Editing. If everything looks good, click Download

8. A window will pop up prompting you to sign-up for a 14-day free trial. Once you’ve signed up, proceed to download the QR Code

9. Here, you’ll be asked to specify the image format and size of the QR Code. Once done, click on Export

Image format and size

Your QR Code with the survey link will be generated.

That’s it, you can use this QR Code on print media to get people to fill out the survey form.

b. How to analyze responses captured in this method

Once you have collected responses, you can analyze the data by applying formulas and functions on the response spreadsheet of your Google forms. This will help give you an overview of the responses.
Besides, you can use platforms such as SurveyMonkey that give advanced options to analyze data.

So, in this case, you can create both Static (permanent and non-trackable) and Dynamic QR Code, depending upon the activity you want to track.

Now, let’s move to the second way of how to create a Survey QR Code.

2. Using a Rich Text QR Code to capture responses

If you don’t want to use a combination of two tools, you have another alternative. You can use a QR Code generator that helps you create in-built feedback form. Here’s how:

a. Create a QR Code

Using Scanova, here’s how you can create Feedback QR Codes in minutes:

1. Go to Scanova’s website

2. Now, select
Custom Page QR Code from the QR Code categories

custom page qr code

3. Once selected, you will be asked to enter the content that you’d like the target audience to see in addition to the feedback form

4. Here, you can customize the landing page by adding description, background colors, images, weblinks, buttons, and files

Custom Page QR Code

5. On the same page, you need to select the Custom Form option from the Add section

Custom form

6. Now, you can design and create your feedback form. Here, you can add a form description or a Question in the given block. Each question can have up to 200 characters

Custom Form

You can also add a question and select the answer type. Here, you can choose from the following options—Short answer, Star rating, Like/Dislike, Emoji, and many more.

To add additional questions, you can click on the Add Question Block option. 

7. Once you have finalized all the questions and their answer type, you can move forward to design the Submit button

8. Here, you can add the button text, color, border color, etc.

Submit Button

At the bottom of this button, you will also see the Edit Form Formatting option. Here, you can format all sections of the form in one go

Note that the formatting would be applicable on all the question blocks and the form description

9. Alongside this option, you will see the Add Form Expiry option. Using it, you can add the expiration date, time, and time zone for the form

10. Once you’re done designing the form and the landing page, click on Continue

11. Now, name your QR Code and proceed ahead

12. On the page that loads, you will see the QR Code image with the Edit Design button

Design the QR Code

13. If you click on this Edit Design option, you will see two design options to choose from—Custom Logo Design and Custom Background Design

Choose the design

Custom Logo Design: It allows you to add colors, patterns, and brand logo to the QR Code

Custom Background Design: It helps you place the QR Code on a background image.

14. Once you’ve finalized on design or no design, go ahead t  Download your QR Code

15. You’ll then have to specify the size and format of the QR Code image

Image size and format

16. Once you do it, click Export

That’s it. Your Feedback QR Code will be downloaded. 

b. How to see feedback responses

If you used Scanova to create the feedback (as mentioned in option b.), here’s how you can see the responses:

1. Login to your Scanova account

2. Go to the My QR Codes section

My QR Codes

3. Here, click on the View/Edit icon against the QR Code you want to see the responses for

4. On the page that loads, scroll down to the Download Data section and click on Generate

The data on responses will then be generated and sent to the registered email. You can download it in CSV format and see the responses.

That’s it. That is all you need to know about a Feedback QR Code. You can now create your own QR Code to seamlessly obtain feedback from your audience and improve your business.

Generate a QR Code For Your Unique Case

People Scanning QR Code

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